Local History
Our topic for 11-1 is local history. This is a wonderful topic for us in Milledgeville, as we have a rich history here. Milledgeville is the former capitol of Georgia and there are living reminders here of Sherman's March to the Sea. You will be amazed what you will learn in your projects for this unit. We are fortunate to have Dr. Bob Wilson with us for a guest lecture. We'll be providing you with assignments to be completed for the following week. You will complete a pod cast on your assignment, explaining what you learned, providing insight into the history of Milledgeville, and also explaining your research methods and materials. These are due BEFORE the next class session (not weeks after!). Also, several students have not posted to the blog in weeks. You are required to do a weekly posting so let's get these done. The genealogy pod casts should be available to you by 11-1 on the genealogy channel. Download those and listen to them, as we'll discuss them the week of 11-8.
Donna has uploaded her pod cast already, and it is very interesting. Be sure to download it. I want to remind the others to send in theirs as well before the next class period.
Sounds like these projects are going well. A couple of pod casts are uploaded, so download them before class. Joey, thanks for your reflections on methodology.
Make sure to listen to Donna's pod cast; she has interesting biographical information on one of the people mentioned in connection with the Humber-White house. A question I would like everyone to consider is this: when a local historian uncovers information such as the materials you have found, what are the various things the historian might do with this information? What might motivate us to do research like this? What might we learn about historical issues beyond a simple transfer of ownership by looking at data like this?
Joey, this is an interesting comment. I think our projects turned out nicely. I hope you all got a chance to listen to everyone's pod cast, especially to Donna's, as she had a very interesting biographical account. Also, the story of the shop operated in the house is interesting -- I believe Lindsay talked about that in her pod cast. Isn't it intriguing to know the history behind our department's building?
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